“Lily in the valley

Sparrows in skies above, 

The sun now slowly setting

Held in the Father’s love


Oh child do not be troubled

You are worth more than these

His face has shown upon you

He is the pearl you seek

And worry adds no single hour

But he knows every need

These are the lyrics to ‘Lily in the Valley’ by Keith and Kristyn Getty, that God used to rebuke me gently today.

I realised that I care most about His care when I believe I most need His help. Or when I think that He should care more for me. Eg, right now for me, that looks like getting through my final med school exams successfully and passing in a recent interview I did.

Yet, in contrast to my worrying, a flower in a garden somewhere has God the gardener tending to it. Not a day does it worry about its survival or pray harder if a drought seems near.

Each day a flower stays alive is a testimony of God’s daily care.

Each day someone doesn’t trample on a flower, is a symbol of God’s deep care.

Each day the sun nourishes it, each day it receives water from above or below…

Each day, He shows His face upon flowers here below.

Each day a fish swims in the sea, is a testament of God’s daily care.

Each day it gets food, is not caught up in a net, or not eaten by a predator…

Each day, He shows his face upon fish and sea creatures down below.

So today may my heart truly learn that: Each day, the Lord is concerned about me.

Each day, He knows my every need. 

Each day, His face shines upon me.

Each day, I can trust Him to keep track of all that matters to me.

I will not be afraid or troubled. He knows my every need.

If these musings resonate with you, may God help us trust in His DAILY care for us. He knows just what we need. Blessings!


(All pictures by Hosea Bigirwa. Used with permission. )Â