Thank you Kimathi Makini for this nomination. You should check out his blog on . He is a fellow medic and classmate; an amazing writer that weaves sensitive topics into his fictional stories, a courage in storytelling I applaud.

I have been blogging since May 2015 and I am glad to be doing an award nomination post for the first time. Thank you to all my readers and the blogging community.

The Liebster Award is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers.

The rules for the award nomination are:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, and provide a link to their blog
  • Answer the questions given to you
  • Share 11 facts about yourself
  • Nominate 5-11 bloggers
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions
  • Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post

My answers to Makini’s questions:

  1. Would you rather the truth, or dare?  I know the thrill other people get from doing crazy dares, but it’s  definitely not for me! I’d go with the truth any day.
  2. Of the wonders of the world, which one fascinates you the most?  The Great Migration of Serengeti and Maasai Mara. The wildebeest  go through a trek and a half, not forgetting the crocodile- filled waters ,for pasture in a new land. This beautiful cycle truly fascinates me.
  3. What do you think would cause the world’s end? E.g. in the line of global warming, a microbe, a zombie apocalypse, alien invasion… I’d say the book of Revelation gives us a rough idea of how the world will end, with the glorious second coming of Jesus crowning it all!
  4. Who/ what is your favourite fictional character? I must say, for the longest time this place was held by Lily Owens from ‘The Secret Life of Bees book’ that I read while  in primary school. This has been ousted most recently by Helen Decatur from ‘Feels like Family -The Sweet Magnolias book 3′ (I binge watched the Netflix series based on the book series and can’t wait to get my hand on the books !)
  5. Who do you regard as your role model? Why? Whew! Coming up with a single name is hard! What I can say is that I look up to women who do what they do unapologetically, faithfully and beautifully. Being blessed with several gifts, I’m learning how to hone each of them and several women have shown me what this looks like. Jackie Hill Perry, Koki Oyuke, Vanessa Obunde , my mother…just to name a few.
  6. One of your favourite memories? The day Hosea and I composed a song called “Now We Are Free” within minutes of meeting. His lyrical prowess complimented my melody making well, it came together in about 30 minutes! I couldn’t believe that such an intimate thing as song-writing could happen so fast yet so magically! (We’re now in a band called The Refinery Music together and have composed numerous songs together since then.)
  7. Favourite/ most used word? Where did you pick it?  This is definitely the phrase “That’s interesting.”  I use it all the time! When I don’t know what to say about something, when I genuinely think it is interesting and when I pull a blank on another adjective to use. I can’t really remember where I picked it up from.
  8. If you could get a tattoo, what would it be and where on your body? I love butterflies so I’d probably get a tattoo of one on my wrist. Though this will probably stay as an idea. Not too keen  on getting one done, I’ve heard tattoos are quite painful, plus the permanency of it doesn’t tickle my fancy.
  9. Would you donate your body to science? Very interesting question considering we used cadavers to learn anatomy. I’d say yes, simply because of that.
  10. Favourite quote? At this moment, it is a quote by Koki Oyuke in her book Chosen Not Cheated, “In a world of fame, followers, likes and paparazzi, we need to aspire to be something other than popular.”
  11. What is that ONE thing that you want to accomplish in life? To use the myriad of talents God gave me and not bury any of them. I’m a proud polymath and would love to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant ” from God, knowing I used all the talents He gave me for His glory.

Thank you yet again for this award. Soli deo gloria. God bless!


I nominate any blogger who reads this post. Feel free to answer these questions :

  1. If you could only have two functional senses (touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing) of your choice, which would you choose & why?
  2. If you had the ability to turn back time, what time period would you return to?
  3. You have the opportunity to make up a word and have it added to the dictionary. What would it be and what does it mean?
  4. If you could get rid of one vegetable or fruit in the entire world, what would it be and why?
  5. What is one thing you’re most grateful for?